Thurs, April 2: Holly Jacobs, Carrie Goldberg on Revenge Porn; Farah Diaz-Tello on the sentencing to 41 years of Purvi Patel for “feticide”

WBAI is heard at 99.5 FM in the tri-state area of the northeastern U.S. on Thursdays at 9-10PM (EST) and streams live here Follow JOR on Twitter at @joyofresistance Contribute to WBAI at

On Thursday, April 2, 9-10 pm, Joy of Resistance will feature two segments, each detailing a serious current attack on women–with interviews with frontline activists in these areas.

1) Anti-Revenge Porn activists Holly Jacobs and Carrie A. Goldberg, founders of End Revenge Porn and Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI). Revenge Porn usually occurs when men angry at ex girlfriends post nude photos of them without their consent, often on misogynist websites and with intent to damage their lives. These posts typically include the names and addresses of the women, and are sent to their work places and relatives. According to Professor Dannielle Keats Citron, author of “Cyber Civil Rights”, a core text of this movement: “Revenge porn can ruin a person’s life” as the images may go viral, result in multiple threats of rape and stalking from anonymous men, lead to the loss of a job or result in not being hired (80% of employers use the internet to assess potential employees), result in depression and forced withdrawal from the internet–and in extreme cases, suicide. Until recently there has been no legal recourse for those targeted. Now, several states have adopted or are considering laws to protect victims.

2) Farrah Diaz-Tello, Staff Attorney for National Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW), will speak with us about last Monday’s shocking sentence of Purvi Patel to to 41 years in prison, apparently for having had a miscarriage. It is the first sentencing in the U.S. for “feticide”–a new kind of law, pushed in a number of anti-abortion right wing-dominated state legislatures. We will discuss the terrifying implications of women being sentenced to long prison terms for miscarriages–or for abortions–that are being legally interpreted as homicides and why they are an ominous development for women. So far, both of the two women who have been charged under the new Indiana feticide law are Women of Color.

We’ll also listen to Katie Goodman‘s recent viral hit: “You’re a Feminist!”a challenge to entertainers and others in the public sphere who proclaim they are “not a feminist” while taking full advantage of the gains made for them by feminism. We’ll also have our International Feminist News Segment

Some of our Feminist News Headlines

On Monday, April 30, an Indiana woman of East Indian descent–Purvi Patel–was sentenced to 41 years, 20 of them to be served in prison, for the crime of ‘feticide’–or killing a fetus. She claimed to have had a miscarriage. She is the first woman in the U.S to be sentenced for this so-called crime.

In the 2nd half of the show tonight, we will be speaking with Farah Diaz-Tello, staff attorney for National Advocates for Pregnant Women on the very serious implications for all women of her prosecution and sentencing.

In Georgia 4 Women were arrested trying to meet with a sponsor of a “religious liberty” bill that could give employers the right to fire women who have had an abortion–and could be against used to fire gay people and just about anyone else that employers have religious qualms about.

In Yemen, An 11 year-old girl has drawn the world’s attention to the issue of child brides after denouncing her arranged marriage in an impassioned video online, saying “I am not an item for sale, I’m a human being and I would rather die than get married at this age.”

The practice of marrying child brides is widespread in Yemen.

Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges was scheduled to give the keynote address at a conference at Simon Fraser University in Canada. But because he had delivered a scathing report on worldwide global prostitution, calling it “the quintessential expression of capitalism”, Sexwork activists pressured the UNiversity to ban him, which it did for awhile, until many feminists defended him and the ban was revoked. The tactic used was No platforming–an organized pressure campaign to keep people of opposing views from airing them, which many claim is stifling feminist debate. You see what Hedges had to say in the news section of our blog at

The recent Germanwings plane crash/suicide has been blamed on feminism on MRA (men’s rights activism) blog–saying the crashing of a plane by Andreas Lubitz could have been avoided if “the sluts of the world were a little more equitable in their distribution of oral sex” and that this crime was an indirect result of feminism. This would be laughable if such sites did not have followings known to have provided inspirtation for murders aimed at women–such as those by Elliott Rodgers, in 2014.

1 thought on “Thurs, April 2: Holly Jacobs, Carrie Goldberg on Revenge Porn; Farah Diaz-Tello on the sentencing to 41 years of Purvi Patel for “feticide”

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