Sunday, Nov 6, 5-7PM: Last show of Fall Fund Drive w/great feminist pkg offer; Election Eve (Eve) Special featuring 10,000 “nasty women” @ Trump HQs; +”hate groups & the election”

 Joy of Resistance is now heard on Sundays at 6-7 PM on WBAI Radio, 99.5 FM (EST), and streams at . Follow us on twitter at @joyofresistance Email us at Donate to WBAI at

The Joy of Resistance Election Eve (Eve) Special will be the LAST show of WBAI’s Fall Fund Drive. We’ll be offering an incredible package to listeners who pledge to support the station. We’ll also examine some of the events of these last days before the election with our feminist news and some great interviews.


Jodeen Olguin-Tayler, Vice President, Policy and Strategic Partnerships with , one of the organizers the 10,000 women who demonstrated in late October by surrounding Trump buildings and campaign headquarters nationwide, in a response to Trump’s bragging about sexual assault. Organized with hashtags such as #GOPhandsoffme and #notokay–and sporting signs declaring “Nasty Women” and “Pussy Grabs Back”, these were powerful feminist demonstrations that were women-of-color led.


Ryan Lenz of The Southern Poverty Law Center–which tracks hate groups in the U.S–on the increase in hate groups and their mainstreaming by the Trump campaign–as well as the possibility that hate-group threats of interference with voting on Tuesday will be carried out.

Jenny Brown, of National Women’s Liberation, who will discuss NWL’s recent election statement–which is both feminist and leftist.

OUR PREMIUM (a thank-you gift for supporting WBAI) will be a $100. package that includes the following (with most also available separately). (For the entire package, below, call (516) 620-3602 and tell the pledge-taker you want the “Election Package.”)


1) A digital download of the acclaimed new feminist film: “Equal Means Equal” produced/directed by Kamala Lopez–not yet released as a DVD. The film examines 10 key areas of women’s situation in the U.S. and gives you all the info & stats you’ll ever need to win ANY argument with an anti-feminist! If ordered with a credit card, you’ll get it the day after the show!!!

2) The book: Who is Hillary Clinton? Two Decades of Answers from the Left. The handbook you will need for a Clinton presidency! Examines history of attacks on–and actions by–Hillary Clinton: the myths and truths, the negative and positive, in essays by over 25 writers on the left, spanning more than 20 years– including Katha Pollitt, Doug Henwood, Christopher Hitchens, Erica Jong, Lakshmi Chaudhaury, Barbara Ehrenreich, Jessica Valenti, Michael Tomasky, Chris Hayes and many more.

3) Two premium-quality Joy of Resistance CD’s: 1) The Feminist Music Extravaganza: 50 years of feminist music classics (see PLAYLIST* at bottom of page); 2) The Civil Rights Movement and the Roots of Women’s Liberation: A 70 minute classic in which seven women–Black and white–who worked within the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) tell the little known story of how the second wave of feminism was birthed from within SNCC! There is no other radio treatment of this historic material!

4) A pair of tickets to the play “Victoria Woodhull” at Theater for the New City, for performances between Nov. 17 and Dec. 4 (you get to choose the date). The play is about the first woman to run for the U.S. presidency, at a time when women could not even vote!

Links to News Stories in Feminist News Segment of show

Marjorie Cohn on Supreme Court and Trump

A Trump advisor has called Clinton the C-word

Trump has 75 open lawsuits

Comey letter to Congress

Thousands of Icelandic women cut work day short over pay gap

Polish abortion protests must continue

*Feminist Music Extravaganza (A musical tour hosted by Fran Luck and Maretta Short)


Rutha Harris and the SNCC Freedom Singers We Shall Not Be Moved

Early 60’s “proto-feminist” hits: Leslie Gore’s “You Don’t Own Me” (1963); Aretha Franklin’s “Do Right Woman, Do Right Man” (1967);

Early Radical Feminist music: The New Haven Women’s Liberation Rock Band’s “Abortion Song” (1972), written when abortion was still illegal in the U.S

Sandy Rapp‘s raging folk ballad “Remember Rose” (c 1989), about Rosie Jimenez, the first woman to die of an illegal abortion after the Hyde Amendment cut off Medicaid Funding for abortions

Dore Previn’s hilarious sendup of patriarchal religion: “Did Jesus Have a Baby Sister?” (1974);

Jolie Rickman‘s rock’n’roll parody on looks-ism: “Suffer to be Beautiful” (2000)

Rebel Voices’ “Daycare” (2003): Clever new lyrics to the Calypso tune Day-O–from a working mother’s perspective

Queen Latifah‘s classic rap song “U.N.I.T.Y.” (1993) takes on street harassment and violence against women

“FYR” (Fifty Years of Ridicule) (2003) by Le Tigre; blistering grrrrllllpunk spits out the truth about the state of women

Nina Simone: Kurt Weill’s “Pirate Jenny” (1964); terrifying revenge fantasy of the downtrodden woman

“Sound-Bite from Beijing” (The Women are Rising) (1998); Sweet Honey in the Rock’s visionary paean to rising of women, inspired by the 1995 Beijing Women’s Conference

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